Government Law & Politics

Public service is in our blood. Several Riggs Abney attorneys have prior experience in the Oklahoma Attorney General’s office – including former Attorney General Michael C. Turpen and former Attorney General Drew Edmondson. Many of our attorneys have served in the state legislature or served on various state and local boards, agencies and authorities.


Location: Tulsa
Location: Oklahoma City
Location: Oklahoma City

Former clients include the Emergency Medical Services Authority, Tulsa County Criminal Justice Authority, Tulsa County Industrial Authority, Sand Springs Public Schools, Oklahoma Department of Human Services, Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Oklahoma Healthcare Authority, and Oklahoma Insurance Department. Services provided to these agencies and authorities include as general or special counsel, drafting and revising governing documents, compliance with open records and open meeting requirements, representation in state and federal court in matters including class action defense, commercial disputes, employment defense and tort litigation.

Our attorneys have represented both individuals and corporate clients before numerous administrative and regulatory entities at the state and local levels, and have dealt with the governmental officials at these administrative and regulatory entities. The services performed by this area of our practice also include municipal finance, employment and labor matters, public bidding, open-meeting requirements, and due process hearings from the administrative level through the appellate level.

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